Sensational Sussex
This topic focuses closely on Sussex itself. To begin with a map of Sussex, showing the physical landmarks, is created using watercolours. we compare Olde maps of Aldingbourne and compare and contrast the differences between life today and that of yester year.
We look closely at the parish of Aldingbourne, focusing on the church and the history of the village. The chidlren are even visited by the ghosts of the bishops who stayed at Aldingbourne church, while Chichester cathedral was being built. A trip to the church allows opportunities for sketching and historical enquiry. Also related to the church is a group activity in which children design and made a weathervane suitable for a church.
The highlight of this topic is a trip to Bowles in which the children experience a week of Outdoor Adventurous Activities. This is followed up at school by creating Powerpoint presentations and booklets.