Hot and Cold
This topic had a very focused geography theme where the children have the opportunity to compare two very different localities.
We began the topic by taking a trip to Antarctica,where we look at the climate and best of all the wildlife you might find there. The children LOVE learning all about P...P...P...PENGUINS. Although we look at a wide variety of breeds of penguins we focus on the largest breed, the Emperor penguin. The children look very closely at this penguin's characteristics and habits.
In the latter part of the term we take a magic carpet ride to Africa and begin by looking at some of the landmark's of this continent, for example, Mt Kilamanjaro and the pyramids of Egypt. We have a visit from Noah, an african story teller, and the children have the opportunity to play some real African music on the drums. The children also learn about the
kinds of animals you would find on this continent and the effect the climate has on the landscapes.
We end the term with a wonderful trip to MARWELL ZOO. The children have a fantastic day seeing some of the animals they have learnt about during our topic!